By Andrea



Why do we travel? We travel because we were born explorers, curious, beauty seekers. We want to discover the unknown, taste new flavours, learn from others and push our boundaries. We want to come back home with a new perspectives and full of stories to share. We are modern conscious travellers, not just tourists.

I have been lucky enough to explore many countries, try exotic savours and collect uncountable stories.

I have always planned my trips aiming to spot hidden destinations, stay in unique lodges and create connections with locals. Not an easy task though! Having designed all my voyages’ itineraries, I know the enormous amount of time that is needed to navigate the information available online, in travel guide books and magazines.

To simplify the process, for some destinations I asked travel agencies’ support. However, there are not many agencies focused on travellers who want to have a mindful approach. Besides, I prefer to have full control over my choices!

So when I decided to launch my own travel brand I started from my own needs as passionate traveller : access a well structured connoisseur’s selection with a focus on the genuine commitment to sustainability of the services available in the destinations.

A selection that would allow me to have control over my choices based on my personal budget and taste, without having to invest weeks in research or in back and forth with a travel agent.

That’s how Be MyJourney idea was born: to fulfil a need I personally have as a traveller, while leveraging my biggest passion, knowledge and expertise in itinerary design.

Do stay tuned for the platform I am developing to be launched in about  2 months time!


PS : I am so looking forward to getting your feedback and hints on it, so please don’t be shy!



Ricotta-Cheese Gnocchi Recipe

Panelle Recipe